Thursday, September 26, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
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Why Are Hezbollah’s Pagers Off-Limits?

Editorial Board
WSJ, Sept. 19, 2024
“… even when Israel meets that standard, as now in Lebanon, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, “This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law.” She cried when funding passed for Israel’s Iron Dome that shoots down Hezbollah’s indiscriminate rocket attacks.”
After Israel pulled off a covert operation against Hezbollah that ranks with the Trojan horse, the terrorist group’s apologists are crying foul. For too many in positions of influence, Israel isn’t allowed to fight back.

“I’m deeply alarmed by reports that a large number of communication devices exploded across Lebanon & Syria,” wrote United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday. He also said, “I think it’s very important that there is an effective control of civilian objects, not to weaponize civilian objects—that should be a rule.” Ken Roth, the long-time former head of Human Rights Watch, who turned his field into a blame-Israel-first chorus, seconded the point about objects “associated with normal civilian daily use.”

Do these people think the Lebanese communicate via pager and walkie-talkie? Israel didn’t tamper with civilian objects like smartphones or any device you might pick up at a Lebanese RadioShack. It sabotaged Hezbollah’s secure military communications. … [To read the full article, click here


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