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Trial of Alleged Terrorist Spotlights Iranian Threat to U.S. Homeland

3 Khordad kill mark.jpg 
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3 Khordad kill mark.jpg Wikimedia Commons

Aaron Kliegman

Just the News, Apr. 30, 2022

“Iran and Hezbollah have had a significant presence in the Western Hemisphere for decades, building networks of influence through friendly governments such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua and by relying on their diaspora. They’ve been trying to do that in the U.S. as well.”

The trial of a New Jersey software engineer accused of working for a terrorist group is further exposing plots by Iran and its terror proxies to attack the American homeland — a threat that’s long concerned the U.S. intelligence community and law enforcement but largely flown under the public’s radar.

Alexei Saab, 45, appeared to be a law-abiding U.S. Citizen but was secretly scoping out terror targets in major U.S. cities for Iran’s chief proxy force, Hezbollah, federal prosecutors told jurors at the start of Saab’s trial on Monday.

“He posed as a regular guy,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Sam Adelsberg. “In reality, he was a sleeper agent for Hezbollah ready to strike.”

Hezbollah is a U.S.-designated terrorist organization based in Lebanon.

To view the original article, click here 

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