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Time to Bring Down the Curtain on Iran’s Terror Axis

Iranian Qods Mohajer-6 on display at a National Army Day parade in Tehran.-Wikipedia
Iranian Qods Mohajer-6 on display at a National Army Day parade in Tehran.-Wikipedia

Robert Williams

Gatestone, Feb. 26, 2025

“Iran is using organized and violent criminal gangs to carry out serious attacks within Sweden. Sweden is not at war. But there is no peace either.”

Iran’s terror axis, thanks to Israel’s military operations, is finally beginning to collapse. Iranian terrorist proxies have been seeming to disintegrate across the region.

In Gaza, Israel has degraded Iran’s Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist infrastructure. In Lebanon, Israel has severely decimated Hezbollah’s capabilities and killed its leaders and commanders. In Syria, Hezbollah, along with Iranian forces, have been shown the door. Even though roughly 2,000 Hamas and 7,000 PIJ terrorists are still operating in Syria, while Iran retains proxies in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen, the Shia terrorist “octopus,” overall, has had several of its tentacles detached. Now, what about the rest of the octopus?

The Iranian regime will most likely do anything to ensure its own survival – presumably why it used proxies in the first place. Better to have someone else, other than Iran, take the blowback. The regime could start redirecting its terrorist efforts towards soft targets in the West, where it is easier to operate. For years, already, Iran has already been operating an assassination program abroad, in Europe, where it has been recruiting local gang members and drug dealers to murder Iranian dissidents, Israelis and Jews. A report published in September 2024 found that the criminal groups hired by Iran increasingly target Israelis and Jews in Europe, including Israeli embassies and private Jewish individuals.

According to Britain’s MI5, the situation is about to get rapidly worse: the UK is expected to see a “staggering rise” in assassination attempts by Iranian-hired criminals. An Israeli official recently warned that Hamas, as their abilities continue to be cut down in Gaza, will increasingly target Israelis and Jews worldwide. …SOURCE

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