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The Unholy Alliance Between Republicans and Islamists

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Melanie Phillips

JNS, Oct. 27, 2022

“… this alliance has spread into the conservative mainstream. The reason surely lies in the ideological turmoil that has convulsed conservatives in America and Britain ever since the fall of the Soviet Union.”

The tacit alliance between the Western left and the Islamists—Muslims intent upon conquering the West for Islam—has long been a source of deep concern.

Left-wingers, who exercise outsize influence over Western culture, sometimes make common cause with Islamists over their mutual aim of destroying the West and the State of Israel. This is even though the Islamists’ theocratic denial of democracy and human rights, their oppression of women and their persecution of gay people and dissidents run wholly contrary to the Western left’s professed values.

As if that axis isn’t dangerous enough, there’s now disturbing news of a parallel attraction developing between Islamists and conservatives. In a long and important article in Focus on Western Islamism, Sam Westrop has detailed a burgeoning alliance between Islamists and American Republicans.

This has some precedents. In the 2000 presidential election, according to some estimates, as many as 70 percent of Muslims voted Republican.

After the anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist argued that socially conservative Muslims formed a natural GOP constituency, the Republican Party—dismissing the threat to America of Islamist entryism—reached out to people who turned out to be radical Islamists.

After 9/11, that alliance foundered. Conservative alarm over Islamism peaked in 2007 when the Holy Land Foundation trial saw many prominent American Muslim organizations and their leaders and activists named as “unindicted co-conspirators.”

Enraged by the war in Iraq, Islamists turned for support to the left which denounced all concerns about the Muslim world as “Islamophobic.” … SOURCE


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