CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


The Undying Hatred of Jews Poisons the West

Rex Murphy
National Post, Nov. 13, 2023

“Someone skids on a “rainbow crosswalk” here and the Trudeau leadership gallops to protest the hate. Twelve hundred Jews slaughtered in a storm of real hate and you can taste the reluctance to publicly condemn Hamas, excoriate the hatefulness of some of the street demonstrations, and offer real succor.”
By the waters of Babylon there we sat down. Yea, We wept. When we remembered thee Zion…
For there we were carried away captive.
The Jews. The Jews.
It is always, so sadly, the Jews. Always.
There is not a humiliation, a torment, an affliction or misery, not a savagery, or horror, either contemplated or put into merciless execution, known to the human mind in its darkest most ungoverned contemplation — none — that with full rage-powered hate and sadistic purpose has not been visited on the Jewish people.
Every vile malice known to the human heart has rained down on Jews since (at least) the days of the Babylonian Captivity — that was 2,700 hundred years ago — has had its “play date” on the minds and bodies — man, woman, child and elder — of Jews.
You may draw a viciously straight line from long ago Babylon to the 20th century of hate-crazed Hitler’s Berlin, and it will show a dread continuum. A continuum of ruthless contempt and murderous persecution of the Jews in every age or century you care to name. Pogroms, exile, blood libels and manic conspiracy theories — the Protocol of the Elders of Zion being the grand, despicable template.
Any normal mind and any decent human heart would think that after Hitler and the Nazis, after their remorseless torture and murder of six million Jews — six million! — that the hate for Jews, a hate that even has its own discrete category, antisemitism — so strong and perdurable has it been — would have been exhausted, or satisfied. That the witnessing world be finally sick of this plague disease, this deepest, bleakest shadow on the human conscience.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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