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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


The Soleimani Strike: The President Has the Constitution and Precedent on His Side. By: John Yoo – National Review (January 6, 2020)

Excerpt of John Yoo’s article from the

: Qasem Soleimani, Commander of Quds Forces during National AGIR commanders conference (Source: Wikipedia)

It’s legal to kill an enemy in combat, and Soleimani was clearly escalating his attacks on U.S. forces.

In ordering a strike on Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, President Donald Trump re-opened questions about targeting those abroad who would harm Americans. “No one should shed a tear,” in Senator Chuck Schumer’s words, over the death of the Qods Force leader, who was responsible for the killing of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq. Nevertheless, critics worry that the killing of Soleimani, one of the military leaders closest to Iran’s religious leaders, could spark an escalatory spiral of attacks and lead to a broader war in the Middle East.


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