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The New York Times Published a Gushy Rashida Tlaib Profile. Then Pro-Israel Readers Flooded the Comments Section

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The New York Times Logo. svg - Wikimedia Commons

Ira Stoll

Algemeiner, Mar. 3, 2022

““I’d be a lot more open minded to Tlaib’s work if I saw her criticize not just Israel, but the Palestinian Authority and Hamas for their complete absence of leadership. They are not democracies, but, rather, dictatorships/oligarchies, which are far more comfortable enriching themselves at the expense of their people, than creating flourishing societies.””

The New York Times devotes 5,000 words in this coming Sunday’s New York Times Magazine to an adoring profile of Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic congresswoman from Michigan who got elected by favoring a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, but who now backs an one-state approach that would wipe the Jewish state off the map.

As usual for the Times, and particularly the magazine, the article is a toxic combination of blatant falsehoods and wishful thinking by the paper’s editors. What’s new is that the online comments section of the article has been swarmed by pro-Israel readers pushing back against Tlaib and the Times’ narrative.

Ira Stoll was managing editor of the Forward and North American editor of the Jerusalem Post. His media critique, a regular Algemeiner feature, can be found here.

To view the original article, click here

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