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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


The Mirage of the Two-State Solution

n	Israeli and Palestinian flags next to each other, for Wikinews. Created from Wikicommons/Wikipedia flag imags, public domain.
n Israeli and Palestinian flags next to each other, for Wikinews. Created from Wikicommons/Wikipedia flag imags, public domain.

Stephen Blank
The Hill, Feb. 14, 2024

“It would be better for all concerned if Western statesmen understood that terrorism and antisemitism must first be extirpated not appeased and then acted on that insight rather than on the organized hysteria of the moment.”

From every corner comes pressure upon Israel to acquiesce to a two-state solution. Allegedly doing so will eliminate the main source of tension and the numerous wars between Israel and the Arabs/Palestinians since 1947.

Thus, we are told that Israel must grant the Palestinians a political horizon. And such luminaries as Josip Borrell, the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy and David Cameron, the United Kingdom’s foreign minister insist that a Palestinian state is necessaryBorrell actually expressed the willingness to impose one from the outside because of the antagonism of the protagonists. Yet at the same time, he argues this is the best guarantee of Israel’s security. Clearly, he dismisses the inherent contradictions of his stance.

Lest anyone misread what is implied here, Husam Zomlot, Palestinian ambassador to the U.K. said that, “If implemented, the Cameron declaration would remove Israel’s veto power over Palestinian statehood [and] would boost efforts towards a two-state outcome.”… [To read the full article, click here]

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