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The Islamo-left is a Menace to Jews and Decency

Palestine demonstration 2023 (7) | Socialist Appeal | Flickr

Brendan O’Neill
Spiked, Oct. 22, 2023

“I’m sure Hizb ut-Tahrir, a cult so extreme it is banned in Germany, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, a cult that referred to Hamas’s invasion of southern Israel as ‘a day of good news,’ was using the word jihad in the peaceful sense. Maybe its call for Muslim armies to commence holy war on Israel was code for holding peace talks?”
The more you think about it, the more horrendous it becomes. Yesterday, on the two-week anniversary of the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, thousands of people gathered in London to shout out the slogan of the killers. A mere fortnight after 1,400 men, women and children were massacred for the crime of being Jews in Israel, people amassed in central London to give voice to one of the mottos of the men who carried out that massacre. ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, the protesters in London cried. It’s a controversial call, to say the least, and it’s one Hamas loves.

Just think about that. The world witnesses the bloodiest pogrom against Jews in 80 years and then central London shakes with the chant that the pogromists themselves will have used. Meanwhile, Trafalgar Square was rocked by hollers of ‘Allahu Akbar’, which will have been the last words some of those Jews in southern Israel heard before they were shot to death or burnt alive. A mob of Hizb ut-Tahrir members held an accompanying demo at which they chanted for ‘Muslim armies’ to invade the Jewish State. What is ‘the solution’ to the problem of Israel, a speaker asked? ‘Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!’, came the chilling reply.

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