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The International Red Cross Double Cross of the Jewish People

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Redcrosslogo.png - Wikimedia Commons

Bob Goldberg
Real Clear Policy, Feb. 28, 2024

“The question is, when it comes to Jews and Israelis if the ICRC has a moral compass at all.”
In the pantheon of international organizations that treat Israel with a mix of disdain and indifference, the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) is a cut above the rest.

It’s not the most loathsome NGO – the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA) owns that title – but it has been the most hypocritical organization for the longest period of time. The ICRC has a track record of shamelessly hyping its humanitarianism amid conflicts while practicing a systematic indifference to Jewish life.

The organization did lots of posturing after the October 7th massacre, mostly lamenting the ‘humanitarian crisis’ in Gaza that, of course, was precipitated by Hamas. The notable exception to the pattern of ignoring Jewish victims of war was a Red Cross representative lecturing families of Israelis being held hostage they need to “think about the Palestinian side.”
The week after, Hadassah International asked ICRC president Mirjana Spoljaric, “Has the Red Cross ever before failed to care for hostages and victims of armed aggression in such a blatant way, or is this treatment reserved for individuals abducted from Israel?”

The answer is: indeed, it has reserved such treatment for Israelis. The ICRC has a rich history of going to great lengths to ignore Jewish suffering and getting rewarded for it.

In 1944, the group was awarded the Nobel Prize “for the great work it has performed during the war on behalf of humanity.” However, the ICRC hid from The Nobel Committee and the entire world that it was aware of the Nazi extermination of Jews and did nothing. It knew about the ‘Final Solution’ but said nothing.
… [To read the full article, click here]

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