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The Coming War Over Hunter Biden

R. Hunter Biden at Center for Strategic & International Studies.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Byron York
Washington Examiner, Dec. 12, 2022

… a number of wealthy Biden supporters are planning an assault against the investigators and witnesses in the Hunter Biden investigation.”
THE COMING WAR OVER HUNTER BIDEN. Republican lawmakers will take control of The House of Representatives on Jan. 3. That means that, among many other things, they will take control of The House ‘s investigative committees and subcommittees. GOP leaders have already said they plan to probe the Biden administration’s disastrous policy on the U.S.-Mexico border, the disastrous withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, the disastrous failure to stop the flow of fentanyl into the U.S., and more.

There is clearly a lot to investigate. But the topic that will receive the most attention in the media and the political conversation will be the investigation into the business dealings of the Biden family — Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden.

“Committee Republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the Biden family, reviewed Hunter Biden’s laptop, and received documents of previously unknown transactions,” House Oversight Committee Chairman-to-be Rep. James Comer told a news conference on Nov. 17. “What we found are business plans aimed at targets around the world based on influence peddling, including with people closely tied to foreign governments like China and Russia.” The Bidens, Comer said, “flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to ‘The Family.'”

Press coverage of the investigation will likely fall into two categories. The first will focus on traditional coverage of what the committee discovers, what witnesses tell investigators, what documents are involved, etc. The second will ignore those developments or attack the investigation itself. … [To read the full article, click here]

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