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The City Must Stop CUNY Law Using Taxpayer Funds to Target Jewish Students

Campaign Cash: The Gift That Keeps on Giving- 
Truthout Campaign Cash: The Gift That Keeps on Giving- Truthout

Marc Edelman

NY Post, May 30, 2022

“As the only law school funded with New York City taxpayer dollars, moreover, CUNY Law has an ethical duty to build an environment that makes Jewish and Israeli students, like all other students, feel welcome on campus.”

The time has come for New York City to take a closer look at the City University of New York School of Law and ask itself whether the institution is meeting its mission for all New Yorkers.

CUNY Law is the only one of the metro area’s 13 law schools subsidized by New York City taxpayer dollars. With in-state tuition just $15,450 per year, the school’s mission is to provide an affordable legal education to the city’s diverse student population — many of whom are planning careers in the public interest.

It has more than met that mission with respect to certain ethnic groups but failed entirely with respect to others. Specifically, it has fostered a culture that has isolated and excluded many Jewish and Israeli students — deterring them from even applying.

Marc Edelman is a professor of law at CUNY’s Baruch College Zicklin School of Business. He holds advanced degrees in law and higher-education administration. This piece represents solely the views of the author and not any institution.

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