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The Babylon Bee’s Best Predictions

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Katelyn Richardson

Washington Examiner, May 25, 2022

The satire business is tough when you’re competing with reality.

Yesterday, Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon tweeted a list of 70 “fulfilled prophecies,” comparing satire articles his site published to real news stories occurring on later dates.

A selection of these satirical headlines is nearly indistinguishable from their real counterparts. If you didn’t know the source, it genuinely would be difficult to tell which one is true. Other “prophecies” are more of a stretch, or just slightly off, such as the August 2021 headline “Biden Administration Deploys Elite Squad of TikTok Influencers to Stop Taliban.” Turns out, the administration ended up using those top TikTok stars a little differently: briefing them on the war in Ukraine in March 2022. Innocent mistake. Nevertheless, the side-by-side comparison of satire and fact is hilarious — if not a little frightening.

With glorious foresight, the site predicted Marvel’s 2021 announcement that the new Captain America would be a gay activist a full five years earlier with the story, “Captain America Rebooted as Feminist, Atheist, Transgender Hydra Agent.” It also predicted Black Lives Matter’s February 2021 nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize with an article in August 2020.

To view the original article, click here

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