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The Ayatollahs’ Men in Washington

6/22/2021 Iran's Pivotal Presidential Election | Ali Vaez, S… | Flickr
Flickr 6/22/2021 Iran's Pivotal Presidential Election | Ali Vaez, S… | Flickr

Caroline B. Glick

Israel Hayom, Feb. 11, 2022

“… both Malley’s and Vaez’s records indicate that even if they didn’t launder Iran’s draft agreement to sell it to the Obama team, they have long been champions of the Iranian regime and apologists for its terror proxies.”

Former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif recently co-authored a book in Farsi about the 2015 nuclear deal that tells us a great deal about how we should be assessing the nuclear negotiations taking place in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 (the US, Russia, China, France, Germany and France). Titled, “The Nuclear Deal: The Untold Story of the JCPOA, Projecting Iran’s Security, Rights and Development,” the book sheds light on a critical question. How did the US come to accept Iran’s negotiating terms on all the major issues despite bipartisan opposition to Iran’s illicit nuclear program?

Iranian human rights activist Heshmat Alavi translated the relevant portion of Zarif’s memoir on his Twitter account. Zarif wrote that in 2014, the regime decided to send a copy of their draft agreement to the other negotiating teams through “an individual in contact with the US delegation and an active International Crisis Group (ICG) member.”

To view the original article, click here

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