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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme



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AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL LOGO - - wikimedia commons

Doris Strub Epstein

Amnesty International (AI) published an anonymously authored  report falsely accusing Israel of being an apartheid state on February 1. The 280-page document, entitled Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians:  Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, is an appalling,  even ludicrous,  assault on the only democracy in the Middle East. Canada, the US, the UK, and many other countries, have unequivocally condemned it.  

Some high-ranking Israeli Arab activists and lawmakers rejected it, including Mansour Abbas, head of the United Arab List, representing Israeli Arabs in the Knesset. The title itself is an antisemitic lie that is so far-fetched it does not deserve debating.

The PA, not Israel,  is the apartheid regime, according to Professor Eugene Kontorovich, an expert in International Law at George Mason University. “Jews can’t live under PA  jurisdiction, and it actively campaigns for the expulsion of all Jews from the West Bank.”

Once a highly respected human rights organization, AI now promotes a propaganda war to delegitimize the  State of Israel under the guise of human rights. With this “report,” AI reveals what it is;  instead of a human rights advocate contributing to the solution, it is part of the problem — promoters of hatred and bigotry.

Rather than being an indictment of Israel, the report indicted AI. It will do nothing to alleviate Palestinian suffering and only incite hatred and violence.  

The nature of this report should not come as a  surprise.   Long before AI’s current campaign of smearing Israel, its key figures had reputations as obsessive defamers of Israel.

Agnes Callamard is the Secretary-General of AI. She claimed Israel assassinated Arafat, among many other lies. In 2018, when Hamas directed its people to tear down the border between Israel and Gaza and violently “implement the right of return and conquer Jerusalem,” Callamard defended Hamas’ rhetoric and condemned Israel’s right to protect itself from violent attacks.  

Philip Luther, AI research and advocacy director, promotes the right of return of Palestine refugees to eliminate the Jewish state essentially. When asked about AI’s disproportionate focus on Israel, he uses the old antisemitic trope of Jewish power. “Israel managed to shut down scrutiny using the power of its relationships…..” he claims.

Saleh Hijazi is AI’s Deputy Regional Director of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). A long-time anti-Israel activist who openly calls for the elimination of Israel, he has posted photos praising notorious Palestinian terrorists’ on his Facebook page.

AI has violated the IHRA by accusing Israel of baseless violations against Palestine in this report. We call on the Government of Canada to annul the organization’s tax-exempt status, revoke their charitable status, and ask allied countries to do the same. Please sign our petition here.

Doris Strub Epstein is co-chair of CIJR – Toronto

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