Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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The ABC’s of Deceit

Alan Newman
Times of Israel, Sept. 12, 2024

“The latest ABC News debate spectacle should remind Americans just how dangerously close we are to the real loss of our democracy.”

On September 10, former president Donald Trump debated both Democratic Party nominee Kamala Harris and ABC/Disney. During the contest, ABC’s debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis showed their obvious bias with a series of real-time fact checking comments aimed solely at President Trump and asked hostile, “gotcha” questions to disadvantage him. Harris by contrast who owns many far, far-Left statements that warrant exploration went unscathed. Despite the three-on-one adversity, Trump did his best to press his case that Harris is responsible for recent dizzying flip-flops about her “values,” past performance disasters, a wildly radical progressive philosophy, and dangerous policy positions.

Towards the end of the tag-teaming evening, the subject of Israel and the October 7 massacre was raised. Once again Harris stated that “Israel has a right to defend itself” but once again equivocated that “far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.” She neither offered that Israel has the “right” to win this war or did she show any appreciation for the complex history of the Palestinians that trails all the way back to Arab rejection of the 1947 UN partition decision and earlier massacres.

Trump opined that “she hates Israel” and predicted that if she were president “Israel won’t exist in two years.” Despite that both statements seem hyperbolic, former president Trump in the heat of the moment and laboring on the unfair ABC playing field Jews ought to appreciate his passion and geopolitical insight as to just what is at stake. Jews certainly ought to recognize “the few against the many” predicament he faced with Muir and Davis and applaud his willingness to compete and to care so emotionally about Israel.

In a related exchange, he skewered the Biden administration’s approach to Iran which resulted in empowering and enriching Teheran. He added “Iran was broke under Donald Trump. Now, Iran has 300 billion dollars, because they took off all the sanctions that I had. Iran had no money for Hamas or Hezbollah or any of the 28 different spheres of terror.” He is correct and he might have extended the point by revealing Harris’s unholy connection to former anti-Israel president Obama and his anti-Israel minions still inhabiting the White House. … [To read the full article, click here]

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