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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Strolling While Jewish:

Free Palestine Rally - Melbourne (2 of 2) | Supporters of Pa… | Flickr

  Mark Steyn, Steyn on Britain, Apr. 23, 2024

~Happy Passover, the holiday when American Jews attempt to pass over an Ivy League campus and British Jews attempt to pass over a Central London thoroughfare. Surveying the scene at Columbia, Powerline’s Scott Johnson posts a picture of Nazis preventing Jews from entering the University of Vienna in 1938.

We are enjoined not to go full Godwin’s this early in the column, but the photograph prompted this thought: A century ago, the Jews of Germany were the most assimilated in Europe. They had prospered under the Kaiser, and seemed set to do even better in the Weimar Republic. They were industrialists, intellectuals, scientists, artists… A quarter of the thousand richest men in Prussia were Jews. As we heard on a pertinent Tale for Our Time, if you were an ambitious Jew born in the Bukovina or points east, you dreamed of Berlin and Vienna.

And then…

What Germany was to the Jews of a century ago, America is today. New York is the world’s most Jewish city, and Brooklyn is famously the most Jewish place on earth, with more Jews than either Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. As in Germany, Jews are the businessmen, brain surgeons, physicists, film producers. I take it as read that the day is fast approaching when London, Paris, Toronto, Copenhagen will be Jew-free. But New York? …SOURCE

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