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Soros, Antisemitism and the Progressive Assault on Language

The drawing about demanding freedom of speech and freedom of the press. A tribute to the cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo in 2015. Drawing by Arifur Rahman.- Wikipedia
The drawing about demanding freedom of speech and freedom of the press. A tribute to the cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo in 2015. Drawing by Arifur Rahman.- Wikipedia

Caroline Glick
Algemeiner, May 21, 2023

“Demonizing all of Soros’s critics as antisemites is not only an insult to Jews. It is a way of denying Jews the language to defend themselves against real antisemites like Soros.”
One of the key characteristics of our difficult times is the way in which the progressive left has hijacked language. Among other things, progressives have seized the language of bigotry to demonize non-progressives as bigots while engaging in and promoting bigotry themselves.

“Antisemitism” is one of the key terms that has been hijacked. This week, we saw a number of demonstrations of its exploitation at the hands of progressives to demonize those they deem a threat to their political and cultural power.

The most discussed demonstration of how the popular term for Jew-hatred has been weaponized is the pile-on against multi-billionaire and free speech champion Elon Musk by supporters of multi-billionaire and progressive political warfare bankroller George Soros.

Soros funds the progressive camp through his Open Society Foundations. In many respects, Soros should be seen not only as a funder, but as the ideological leader of the progressive revolution because many of its key nodes and organizations are his brainchildren.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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