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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Sickening Humbug Over Israeli Massacre

Assorted-color Fireworks Show · Free Stock Photo
Assorted-color Fireworks Show · Free Stock Photo

Melanie Philips
Substack, Jan. 30, 2023

“The EU never loses an opportunity to defame Israel and pour money and support into illegal Palestinian activity in colonising land to which the Jews alone have a historic and legal claim.”
Seven Israeli Jews were murdered outside a Jerusalem synagogue on Friday night, the start of the Jewish sabbath, in the working class orthodox neighbourhood of Neve Ya’akov. Several others who were wounded remain in hospital. 

As is commonplace among Palestinian Arabs after they have murdered Israeli civilians, jubilant celebrations broke out in their communities with fireworks, celebratory gunfire, hooting car-horns and crowds chanting in support of the killing of Jews.

Yesterday, another terror attack occurred when a 13-year-old Palestinian Arab opened fire at one of the entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City, seriously wounding an Israeli man and his son. The two Arabs were guilty of these murders and attempted murders. But three other sets of people share responsibility for these latest atrocities in addition to the Palestinian Arabs.

The second set of the four consists of those western leaders who have helped incentivise these killings for decades. Once again, we have witnessed the nauseating spectacle of western governments — which sanitise, fund and pump up the genocidal Palestinian Arab cause — expressing shock and sympathy with Israel over these attacks. And all this on the day marking the liberation of Auschwitz, provoking the habitual vacuous Holocaust pieties from these same western leaders about “never again”. 

The Biden administration has form in this regard, as I wrote here. It continues to fund the Palestinian Authority despite the PA’s “pay-to-slay” policy of rewarding the families of terrorists for every Israeli Jew they murder, and despite its never-ending incitement to murder Jews and steal Israel’s land.  … [To read the full article, click here]

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