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Revisiting Hunter Biden’s Laptop

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Wikimedia Commons File:HP Pavilion dv2000 laptop.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Why Hunter’s emails still matter.

You hear? The emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop are real. No less than the New York Times, the official mainstream media newspaper of the mainstream media, agrees.

Actually, the FBI agreed first, as they are in the middle of a criminal investigation into Hunter’s business activities and taxes based on the contents of the laptop. Despite the ongoing coverage of the emails outside establishment media, it was only the FBI’s investigation of the laptop that finally forced the Times to admit this year that what it said last year was bull. Politico, based on a book by one of its own writers, now, too, admits the emails are real, and not Russian disinformation as they claimed previously.

Now that we can talk about the emails in polite company, what’s the big deal? Is this just another case of buh, buh her emails?

Well, yes, but not in the way you may think. The establishment worked diligently to hide, diminish, downplay, and muddle the story about Hillary Clinton’s emails before the 2016 election, and they did the same with Hunter’s laptop before the 2020 election. Both are nefarious examples of the media regulating the information available to voters as they made their choice.

In Clinton’s case, knowledgeable people, experts in government classification, were forced to endure months of “news” speculating whether the Secretary of State’s official correspondence might contain classified information, or whether running one’s own unsecured email server out of a literal kitchen closet for official business was a bad idea, or whether deleting 30,000 pieces of potential evidence was “A-OK.”


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