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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Putin’s Predictabilities

:Vladimir Putin Amur tiger August 2008-1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
:Vladimir Putin Amur tiger August 2008-1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Victor Davis Hanson

American Greatness, Feb. 23, 2022

For all his caginess, dissimulation, and opportunism, Vladimir Putin is more or less predictable.

Putin’s aims? The Russian president’s two-decade dilemma has been how to reclaim the prestige and power of the former Soviet Union—but with only 75 percent of his country’s former territory and 140 million fewer people.

When does he strike? 

First, Putin moves on neighboring former Soviet republics when the world price of oil is high, and his coffers are full. So he went into Georgia in 2008 and into Eastern Ukraine and Crimea in 2014 when he thought he had the financial wherewithal and public support to do so.  

 To view the original article, click here

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