CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Putin’s Fascists: The Russian State’s Long History of Cultivating Homegrown Neo-Nazis

The fascist "Russian March" in Moscow | On November 4, 2017,… | Flickr
The fascist "Russian March" in Moscow | On November 4, 2017,… | Flickr

Robert Horvath

The Conversation, Mar. 21, 2022

“No less important is the role of neo-Nazis and other right-wing figures in Russia’s onslaught against Ukraine.”

Many commentators have already debunked Russian President Vladimir Putin’s absurd claim to be waging war to “de-nazify” Ukraine.

Some have pointed out the far right received only 2% of the vote in Ukraine’s 2019 parliamentary elections, far less than in most of Europe. Others have drawn attention to Ukraine’s Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the efforts of the Ukrainian state to protect minorities like Crimean Tatars and LGBTQ+ people, who are subject to brutal persecution in Russia.

To view the original article, click  here

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