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Progressive Politicians Must Grasp the Nettle on Their Moral Failure After Canadian Heritage’s Laith Marouf Debacle

	Pablo Rodriguez, Canadian politician. Photo taken at the march "Kyoto, Pour l'Espoir"- wikipedia
Pablo Rodriguez, Canadian politician. Photo taken at the march "Kyoto, Pour l'Espoir"- wikipedia

Barbara Kay
Epoch Times, Aug. 22, 2022
If the cretinous Marouf had been an antisemite of the kind progressives are comfortable dealing with from a moral high ground—a white neo-nazi—they would have kicked him to the curb with the speed of summer lightning. As an extreme left-winger, he presents a conundrum for progressive politicians.”

Minister Pablo Rodriguez’s Heritage Department is in a mess of its own creation. It just had to suspend an “anti-racism project” for which it had granted over $133,000 last year to the non-profit Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) under the rubric of the department’s “Anti-Racism Action Program.”

One of CMAC’s “senior consultants” is Beirut-based Laith Marouf, a longtime political actor, whose recently exposed hateful Twitter history has gone viral. Marouf, who appears to be Marxist, routinely expresses contempt for the West. Visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Marouf tweeted that he “Wish[ed] it was much bigger with the names of a few million dead corpses of USian dirt baggs (sic).” His selfie at the Lincoln Memorial has Marouf “telling [Lincoln] what I think of his [expletive] colony.” Marouf also abhors the Québécois. In one Twitter string, Marouf writes, originally in French: “French frogs are very tasty roasted, Go back to your franco gutter” and “lol, I think Frogs have much less IQ than 77, and French is an ugly language.”

But Marouf’s disdain for everyone else pales beside his malignant loathing for Jews. Here, disdain turns to sewage. Samples: “Life is too short for shoes without laces, or for entertaining Jewish White Supremacists with anything but a bullet to the head.” He writes that “Jewish White Supremacists” are “loud mouthed bags of human feces.” Marouf falsely blamed the murder of a Muslim London family on Jews. He has excoriated Ukraine’s “pretend-Jewish” president and “Nazi-Zionist alliance.”

CMAC has a particular interest in enhancing the indigenous presence in media. But Marouf has demonstrated in public talks that Canada’s indigenous people are merely tools for legitimizing discourse around his real passion, hatred for “apartheid” Israel.


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