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Pro-Hamas Billionaires Send Malicious Messages Through Campus Protesters

his is the logo for Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Further details: RBF Logo-Wikipedia
his is the logo for Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Further details: RBF Logo-Wikipedia

Susan Ferrechio
The Washington Times, May 1, 2024 

“The group defines itself on social media as a coalition of more than 100 student organizations “fighting for a liberated Palestine and the end of Columbia’s complicity in genocide.”

Most of the organizations providing the backbone of campus protests against Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip are supporters of the terrorist organization Hamas, and some receive funding, at least indirectly, from left-wing billionaires.

A forthcoming analysis by the Capital Research Center, which analyzes nonprofits, found that the vast majority of groups behind the spate of college campus protests are operating as fronts for Hamas, which is committed to destroying Israel and killing Jews.

“I was shocked when I started putting together the data,” Capital Research Center investigator Ryan Mauro told The Washington Times. “They didn’t put any effort into trying to hide the fact that this is a Hamas-driven thing.”

Mr. Mauro is examining more than 100 organizations involved in the campus protests. Most of them, he said, harbour pro-Hamas messaging and ties that belie claims that the protests are centred on the humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian enclave. … [To read the full article, click here]


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