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Palestinians Deserve the Leaders They Have

Mahmoud Abbas and Sergio Mattarella in 2021.-wikipedia                               
Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh (Arabic: إسماعيل عبد السلام أحمد هنية‎, born 29 January 1962) is a senior political leader of Hamas-wikipedia
Mahmoud Abbas and Sergio Mattarella in 2021.-wikipedia Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh (Arabic: إسماعيل عبد السلام أحمد هنية‎, born 29 January 1962) is a senior political leader of Hamas-wikipedia

Ari Blaff
Newsweek, Sept. 13, 2022

Abundant polling data demonstrates that Palestinians leaders broadly represent the values found on the Palestinian street.”
It was said when Israel pulled out of Gaza. It was parroted when the halcyon days of Oslo crumbled into the bombed-out ruins of Israeli restaurants and discotheques. When democracy first came to the Palestinian territories. When Hamas diverted humanitarian aid to build terror tunnels or install weapons caches embedded within civilian areas. When the Palestinian Authority continued its policy of “pay for slay,” supporting the families of terrorists during their imprisonments.

And you can hear that same broken record playing again now.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently continued this sordid tradition, revealing his shocking hatred of Jews in the very country that gave the world the Holocaust. When asked in Berlin about this year’s 50th anniversary commemoration of the Munich Olympic massacre, Abbas seized upon the question as an excuse to accuse Israel of committing “50 Holocausts” since its inception in 1948. Such outré comments might normally trigger the collapse of a government, but not in Ramallah.

Abbas, after all, got his Ph.D in Russia in the 1980s with the trenchant dissertation, “The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism,” arguing that Zionists collaborated with Nazis. That didn’t deter Palestinian voters then, and it wouldn’t deter them now. What is now doing in Abbas, politically, is instead endemic corruption.

Palestinians now overwhelmingly support Abbas’ main partisan rival, the terrorist organization Hamas. Hamas uses terms such as “Jews” and “Zionists” interchangeably in its long-time open call for the destruction of Israel. Sounding remarkably like Abbas, Hamas’ infamous organizational charter notes that “in their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children,” insisting that “the Zionist Nazi activities against our people will not last for long.”
… [To read the full article, click here]

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