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Opinion: Kim Jong-Un, like Putin, Places Faith in the Nuclear Deterrent

Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin (2019-04-25) 06.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin (2019-04-25) 06.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Donald Kirk

Winona Daily News, Mar. 19, 2022

“For his coming ICBM/satellite launch, Kim need not worry about more sanctions. The reason for testing ICBMs is to figure out how they can carry nuclear warheads to the United States. Vladimir Putin should appreciate the need for Kim to be able to nuke an enemy.”

Nuclear weapons have an irresistible allure. Nations stake their prestige on them. Crowds have cheered at the news of a country’s first nuclear test. For a nation to be called a “nuclear power” is evidence it’s as strong as any other country, ready to annihilate enemy forces and hostile citizens by the millions.

No country is prouder of its nuclear success than North Korea. After each of its half dozen nuclear tests, the North’s state media have burst into applause for all the great physicists and engineers who made possible such a momentous accomplishment. North Korea, however, is still knocking at the door for formal admittance as the ninth member of the global “nuclear club.”

Donald Kirk is the author of 10 books on Korea, Okinawa, the Philippines, and the Vietnam War. He wrote this for

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