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OPINION | Ambassador Eliav Belotsercovsky: Israel is a Major Player in Supporting the Continent

Eliav Belotsercovsky
News 24, Apr. 20, 2023

“Innovation Africa” is one of the leading Israeli NGO’s that have for the last 15 years connected water and electricity to more than four million people all over Africa, using Israeli technology.”
Recent developments regarding the observer status of Israel in the African Union are an opportunity to discuss Israel’s policy towards Africa, particularly Israel’s cooperation with the continent.

Going back in history, Israel has gone through the stages of a developing country. It learnt one major lesson, the key behind the move from the third world to first is human resources. And like any resource it has to be developed and cultivated. As a result, all the governments of Israel, from the first and on, have invested in education. This investment paid off and from a barren desert, the size of Kruger National Park, Israel became one of the world’s leaders in Science and Technology, Innovation and creativity.

Despite wars and constant threats to its existence, the small country managed to develop top Universities with eight Nobel Prize Laureates and one of the highest numbers of scientific publications. Israel also hosts more than 300 R&D centres of leading international conglomerates in addition to 7000 start-UPS that attracted 25 billion dollars in 2021.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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