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No, Secretary Blinken, Palestinian Terror is Not “Senseless”


David Suissa

Jewish Journal, Apr. 8, 2022

“The fundamental problem with characterizing terror as senseless is that it lets you off the hook.”

How many times have we heard Western voices call terror acts “senseless”? We heard it again this week after a Palestinian terrorist murdered three Israelis and injured several others on trendy Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv.

After saying that “Americans are, once again, grieving with the Israeli people in the wake of another deadly terrorist attack,” Secretary of State Tony Blinken added that the U.S. “stands resolutely in the face of senseless terrorism and violence.”

But is the violence really senseless, Mr Blinken?

It may be for you, but it’s not for the terrorists.  They think their terror has a purpose. If you despise Jews and think they don’t belong in the Middle East, killing them gives you purpose. If it makes you sick to see Jews you hate having fun in a cool city like Tel Aviv, killing them gives you purpose.

And if you fall for the propaganda from your corrupt leaders that Jews will soon take over your holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, killing Jews is anything but senseless.

To view the original article, click here

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