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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Nazi-Germany’s Anti-Zionist Propaganda and Its Impact on the War of 1947/48

Der Giftpilz is a children's book published by Julius Streicher in Nuremberg, Nazi Germany in 1938. The title is German for "the poisonous mushroom/toadstool". The book was intended as antisemitic propaganda. The text is by Ernst Hiemer, with illustrations by Philipp Rupprecht (also known as Fips); the title alludes to how, just as it is difficult to tell a poisonous mushroom from an edible mushroom, it is difficult to tell a Jew apart from a Gentile. The book attempts to "warn" German children about the dangers allegedly posed by Jews to them personally, and to German society in general.
Photo taken in 2015 in the former International Museum of World War II|The International Museum of World War II in Natick, Massachusetts, USA. The museum existed from 1999 to 2019 and exhibited a by-reservation-only collection of 7,000+ artifacts. - wikipedia
Der Giftpilz is a children's book published by Julius Streicher in Nuremberg, Nazi Germany in 1938. The title is German for "the poisonous mushroom/toadstool". The book was intended as antisemitic propaganda. The text is by Ernst Hiemer, with illustrations by Philipp Rupprecht (also known as Fips); the title alludes to how, just as it is difficult to tell a poisonous mushroom from an edible mushroom, it is difficult to tell a Jew apart from a Gentile. The book attempts to "warn" German children about the dangers allegedly posed by Jews to them personally, and to German society in general. Photo taken in 2015 in the former International Museum of World War II|The International Museum of World War II in Natick, Massachusetts, USA. The museum existed from 1999 to 2019 and exhibited a by-reservation-only collection of 7,000+ artifacts. - wikipedia

Matthias Küntzel

European Journal of Current Legal Issues, Vol 25, No 1 (2019)

“Arab opposition to Zionism was the product of both Nazi propaganda in the Arab East and Britain’s confusing politics. …This essay will focus on the other aspect, Nazi Germany’s propaganda in the Arab East.”


On 29 November 1947 over two-thirds of the United Nations membership voted in favour of General Assembly Resolution 181 proposing a partition of Palestine: 56% of the mandate territory was assigned to a Jewish state and 43% to an Arab state, with Jerusalem under international administration. [1] The Jews in Palestine danced for joy in the streets all night. The following day, eight Jews were murdered in three Palestinian Arab attacks. The Arab war to prevent the implementation of the UN resolution had begun.

The struggle lasted an entire year. The first phase of the war was conducted by irregular Arab guerrilla groups and units. The second phase began on 14 May 1948. During the afternoon of that day, David Ben Gurion announced the birth of the State of Israel. Around midnight the country was invaded from the north by Syrian and Lebanese units, from the east by Jordanian troops and from the south by the Egyptian army. [2] As the British Mandate had ended on the same day, there was no one to stop them. Some 6,000 Jews and an unknown number of Arabs lost their lives before the first ceasefire agreements were signed at the beginning of 1949. [3]

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