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McGill University’s Antisemitism and Islamophobia Probe cites BDS as a Key Source of Tension

McGill University Campus
Arts Building 
(Source: Wikipedia)
McGill University Campus Arts Building (Source: Wikipedia)

Janice Arnold

Canadian Jewish News, July 5, 2022

“… BDS activism and contentious campus debate” around the Middle East conflict; increased online “harassment, vitriolic social media posting and doxing”

A McGill University administration investigation cites the “polarizing” debate around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign, as causing both Jewish and Muslim students to feel they are targets of discrimination.

In its final report released June 30, the Initiative Against Islamophobia and Antisemitism (IAIAS) states: “Unquestionably, the most fraught question that emerged within the focused consultations was whether expressions in support of BDS amounted to discrimination.

“For many members of the Jewish community, some BDS-related activism – while permissible political expression at the outset—descended into anti-Zionist rhetoric and claims that, for them, were tantamount to antisemitism.”

On the other hand, pro-Palestinian Muslim students felt they were victimized for their views.

To view the original article, click here

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