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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Making It a Crime for the Jews to Defend Themselves

Jewish members Toronto Parade.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Jewish members Toronto Parade.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Brendan O’Neill
Spiked, Nov. 22, 2024
“Behold the grim audacity of Justin Trudeau saying he will ‘abide’ by the ICC’s decision. Canada took part in the post-9/11 Afghan War whose consequences were far more devastating than what is happening in Gaza. … Address your own nation’s ‘crimes’, Justin.”
Let’s speak plainly about what happened yesterday. Four hundred and eleven days after the Jews were subjected to the worst act of anti-Semitic barbarism since the Holocaust, arrest warrants were issued for the Jews who fought back. Thirteen months after Israel was invaded by the racist killers of Hamas, indictments were made against the men who pursued those racist killers. A little over a year since a species of fascism was visited on the world’s only Jewish nation, the Jewish nation’s own leaders found themselves turned into fugitives for the ‘crime’ of fighting that fascism.

When all is said and done, this is what the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant add up to: the creeping criminalisation of the Jewish State’s right to defend itself against the armies of anti-Semites that wish to destroy it. The ICC and its voluble cheerleaders in the Israelophobic set have just engaged in one of the most chilling acts of moral inversion of recent times: they have made criminal suspects of those who stood up to one of the gravest crimes of the 21st century so far.

 … [To read the full article, click here


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