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Maintaining America’s Nuclear Deterrent

UN working group on nuclear disarmament, May 2016.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
UN working group on nuclear disarmament, May 2016.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

John D. Maurer

War on the Rocks, Mar. 10, 2022

“… many current policy proposals designed to reduce the chances of inadvertent nuclear escalation would also undermine faith in American nuclear deterrence, making major conventional and nuclear conflict more likely.”

The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s recent nuclear threats against his neighbors are drawing renewed attention to the critical importance of nuclear weapons. Putin’s recent threats, while outrageous, are only the latest indicator that nuclear danger is increasing. China is expanding its missile forces and threatening its neighbors with nuclear attack, North Korea is testing ever more powerful missiles, and Iran is inching closer to nuclear weapons. Even traditional American security partners like Japan and South Korea are considering independent nuclear forces. Putin’s invasion and subsequent nuclear threats continue an ominous global trend towards strategic competition and nuclear brinksmanship among the great powers.

Against this backdrop, the Biden administration is preparing to issue its Nuclear Posture Review, a critical planning document that lays out priorities for American nuclear forces. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine demonstrates the tremendous importance of getting nuclear-weapons issues right. Russia, China, and other hostile powers threaten America’s allies and interests across the globe. America’s nuclear arsenal will play a critical role in helping the country stand with its partners to deter aggression in the future. 

John D. Maurer is a professor of strategy and security studies at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS), Air University, and a non-resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). His book on the history of American nuclear strategy and arms-control policy, Competitive Arms Controlis forthcoming with Yale University Press. The views expressed are his and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.

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