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J Street’s Losing Strategy Is Neither Pro-Israel nor Pro-Peace

Logo of J Street since 2016. (Wikipedia)
Logo of J Street since 2016. (Wikipedia)

Jeff Mendelsohn

Algemeiner, Aug. 12, 2022 

“Levin further defended a colleague, a member of the “Squad,” who compared Israel and the United States to the Taliban.”

Before losing a defining primary last week, J Street increased the volume of its rash, partisan attacks against AIPAC and the broader pro-Israel community — taking cheap shots that weaken our nation’s longstanding bipartisan consensus on the US-Israel relationship. These shameful attacks are as corrosive to the US-Israel relationship as are J Street’s misguided policy stances.

Bipartisan organizations that work to build support for one specific issue should put that issue before partisan politics, and endorse candidates based on their positions on that issue. The US-Israel relationship is not a proxy for other issues – something that some partisans have trouble understanding.

J Street’s broadsides against the very notion of bipartisan support for the US-Israel relationship is not only a dangerous and short-sided strategy —  it’s a losing one.

Enraged by AIPAC’s support for Haley Stevens, Shontel Brown, and Glenn Ivey, among other Democrats, J Street resorted to its usual playbook of cheap partisan shots, falsely attacking pro-Israel organizations for being “right-wing,” and outrageously accusing them of racism even in races where they were backing candidates of color.


Jeff Mendelsohn is the executive director of Pro-Israel America.

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