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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


Israel will Win. The West is Over

SoI-War 23-10-07 IDF 07-04.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Giulio Meotti
Israel National News, Nov. 7, 2023

“The question is whether Western civilization understands that this is a turning point and really wants to be saved, since its weak and nihilistic leaders seem to have concluded that it is inherently evil and not worth fighting for.”
What is this strange evil that afflicts the West and for which the war in Gaza is both a pretext and a revelation? Self-hatred? Fascination with collective suicide?

Hamas is an Islamo-Nazi sect that intended to destroy Israel and its people before attacking the West when the time comes. But it found million of helpers among Western people. Sorcerers’ apprentices, new converts and useful idiots…
Their brainwashing is effective. Newsweek polls say that among young Americans, 48 percent are with Hamas. More than half – 51 percent – believe that the October 7 pogrom in which 1,400 Israelis were massacred was somehow justified. If we did the same survey in Europe we would get the same results.

Of 67 million “Generation Z” Americans (those born after 1996), 52 percent want racial reparations for blacks, 60 percent believe systemic racism is “widespread” in society, 51 percent that the “gender binary” (male and female) is “obsolete”, 41 percent are in favor of censoring “hate speech” (unless it encourages destroying Israel), 66 percent are in favor of silencing speakers they consider “offensive” and 61 percent have positive views of socialism.

This is where support for Hamas originates: in the heart of darkness of Western consciousness in full decadence.

Meanwhile, from Al Azhar in Cairo – the “Vatican of Islam” – to the International Union of Muslim Scholars in Doha, the large Islamic organizations launch their fatwa against Israel: “There are no Israeli civilians, they are all targets”. And we talk about the institutions with which the West has a dialogue and with which the Vatican signed the document on “Human Brotherhood”.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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