Anna Ahronheim
Jerusalem Post, Jan. 30, 2022
“This is a second variation of the Cold War with three sides – Russia, China and the United States. The question is how bad can it go?”
The standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine is the beginning of a variation of a second Cold War, and Israel is standing on the sidelines, according to Dr. Ofer Fridman, a senior lecturer in war studies at King’s College in London and an expert on Russian affairs.
“This is a second variation of the Cold War with three sides – Russia, China and the United States,” he told The Jerusalem Post. “The question is how bad can it go?”

“[Former prime minister] David Ben-Gurion adopted the policy of non-alliance, and it was the Soviets who chose to support the Arabs,” Fridman said. “Because Ben-Gurion did not pick a side, the USSR chose a side for him. It’s on Israel now to make a choice, or not.”
“In our regional environment, the question is, Can we stay neutral?” he asked. “Do we want to stay neutral?”
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