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Ismail Haniyeh’s Killing in Iran Brings Israel Closer to Victory

Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh (Arabic: إسماعيل عبد السلام أحمد هنية‎, born 29 January 1962), a senior political leader of Hamas, at a meeting in Moscow with Konstantin Kosachev- Wikipedia 

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Seth J. Frantzman
The National Interest, July 31, 2024

“It was Haniyeh who led Gaza down the road of becoming a springboard for ever-larger attacks on Israel.”
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran on July 31. Haniyeh was one of the most well-known faces of Hamas in the region. Ever since he took over Hamas’ Political Bureau in 2017, he has been a key leader in navigating the rising power of Hamas in the region and globally. Now, Haniyeh is dead, and his group is suffering blows in both Gaza and throughout the Middle East. Ten months of war in Gaza may now move in a fundamentally new direction.

Haniyeh is presented as the political face of Hamas, as if he is different than the military part of Hamas that led the attack on Israel on October 7. 

 When the attack took place, Haniyeh was in Doha, Qatar, along with other Hamas leaders. These leaders included Saleh al-Arouri, who was based in Beirut but had fortuitously arrived in Doha in time for the October 7 attack. While the details of the attack may have been kept from Haniyeh, such as the exact time it would take place, it’s clear Haniyeh supported the attack. Shortly afterward, he gathered Hamas leaders in Doha for a video where the men prayed and celebrated and later spoke in praise of the attack... … [To read the full article, click here]

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