Sunday, September 1, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Is the Jewish Democratic Council Really Jewish – or Just Democrats?

Alan Dershowitz

Gatestone Institute, Aug. 3, 2022

“It is difficult to imagine any other ethnic or other group of Democrats — Blacks, Arabs, gays — that would not even mention the issues of direct concern to that group at a large fundraiser. Why are Jewish Democrats different?”

As President Joe Biden was returning from his productive trip to the Middle East, the Jewish Democratic Council was holding a fundraiser on Martha’s Vineyard to support Democratic candidates in the 2022 midterm elections and to help elect a Democratic president in 2024. Former President Bill Clinton and former Senator Hillary Clinton were the guests of honor and speakers, thus suggesting that this organization purports to represent mainstream Jewish Democrats.

But it does not. It represents the left wing of the Democratic Party. It certainly does not represent mainstream Jewish voters who care about Israel and the growing threat of anti-Semitism.

At this so-called “Jewish” event, there was no discussion of Israel, or the existential threat it faces as Iran comes closer to constructing a nuclear arsenal. Nor was there any discussion of the increasing anti-Semitism within the so-called “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party, or of the decreasing support for Israel among some younger Democrats and among some Democratic office holders.

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman recently predicted that Biden might be the last pro-Israel Democratic presidential candidate. Among those being considered to replace Biden either in 2024 or 2028 are several who are stridently anti-Israel and some who are lukewarm. Current Democratic Members of The House  include some who wrongly regard Israel as an apartheid state akin to South Africa until 1993, and others who would cut off military assistance to the nation state of the Jewish people. Still others, including some Democratic Senators, are  hyper-critical of Israel and want to see a reassessment of United States policy toward our strongest ally in the Middle East.

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