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Injustice, Israel, and the “International Court of Justice”

International Court of Justice Seal (Source:Wikipedia)
International Court of Justice Seal (Source:Wikipedia)

Elliot Abrams
Council on Foreign Relations, July 20, 2024

“The hostility toward Israel, the sheer malice, the desire to do harm, is clearly visible in paragraph 278, where nations are urged not to have embassies in Jerusalem and not to allow trade in items from the West Bank.”
On Friday, July 19, the International Court of Justice delivered itself of a vile “advisory opinion” entitled “LEGAL CONSEQUENCES ARISING FROM THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF ISRAEL IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, INCLUDING EAST JERUSALEM.”

An insight into the minds and prejudices of the judges can quickly be gained by looking at paragraphs 53 and 60 of the opinion. Here is paragraph 53, in full:
53. On 14 May 1948, Israel proclaimed its independence with reference to the General Assembly resolution 181 (II); an armed conflict then broke out between Israel and a number of Arab States, and the Plan of Partition was not implemented.

Here is paragraph 60, in full:

60. In October 1973, another armed conflict broke out between Egypt, Syria and Israel.

Pressure Points

Abrams gives his take on U.S. foreign policy, with special focus on the Middle East and democracy and human rights issue.


 … [To read the full article, click here] 

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