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How George Soros’ billions Are Remaking America’s Justice System

George Soros al Festival dell'Economia di Trento.- wikipedia
George Soros al Festival dell'Economia di Trento.- wikipedia

Jason Johnson and Sean Kennedy

NY Post, June 8, 2022

How much exactly does “social justice” cost?

Liberal billionaire George Soros spent at least $40 million over the last decade to answer that question, according to our latest research. Those millions helped elect scores of progressive prosecutors bent on remaking the criminal justice system to Soros’ liking.

It’s not to Americans’ liking, as San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s recall Tuesday shows. Soros didn’t fund Boudin directly, but he donated to an anti-recall PAC. And Boudin is the first face on the “Meet the Movement” page of the Soros-funded Fair and Just Prosecution, whose conferences he’s attended.

From 2014 to 2021, Soros’ $40 million in campaign spending helped elect so-called social justice prosecutors across the country while dozens more benefited from the billionaire’s largesse while in office. 

Jason Johnson, the former deputy commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department, is president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. Sean Kennedy is LELDF’s policy director and a visiting fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute. 

To view the original article, click here

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