Friday, September 6, 2024
Friday, September 6, 2024
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Hamas Murdered the Hostages, Not Benjamin Netanyahu

Naveh Dromi
Ynet News, Sept. 3, 2024

“… at no point, from the first deal onward, were we ever close to signing an agreement for the hostages’ return. It was never on the table except in the fevered imaginations of a few who even the events of October 7 didn’t wake from their delusions.”

Even before the official announcement identifying the bodies of the returned hostages, the inflammatory rhetoric had already begun. Wild accusations started circulating, blaming Benjamin Netanyahu for nothing less than the direct murder of the six hostages.

In response to these absurd claims, the obvious truth emerges: Hamas is responsible for their deaths. Hamas is the terror group that kidnapped, held and murdered them.

But after stating the obvious, it’s also important to address the violent anger that has swept through social media and the streets. A morning that saw the return of six dead hostages and the murder of three police officers is unbearable. Beyond the sadness that gripped many, there was also a sharpened resolve that this war – in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and, in the future, Iran – is more justified than ever.… [To read the full article, click here]

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