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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme


George Steiner’s Misconceived Thinking About Jews and Judaism (By Manfred Gerstenfeld)

The excerpt is taken from George Steiner’s Misconceived Thinking About Jews and Judaism. BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,453, February 20, 2020

Steiner speaking at the Nexus Institute, The Netherlands, 2013
Steiner speaking at the Nexus Institute, The Netherlands, 2013 (Source: Wikipedia)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: George Steiner, who passed away in early February at the age of 90, was Jewish, a leading public intellectual, and a literary critic. For all his gifts and accomplishments, he was often radically wrong about Judaism and Jewish history.

George Steiner passed away in Cambridge on February 3 at the age of 90. He was Jewish, a leading public intellectual, and a literary critic. In its obituary, The Guardian wrote, “For half a century, Steiner was a commanding reviewer and a subtle and enthralling lecturer. His books established fields, set agendas, and upheld the highest standards. There has been nobody quite like him in contemporary British intellectual life.” The New Yorker wrote, “The word ‘awesome’ is ……

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