Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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George Soros’s Conservative Renaissance

Karl Rove

WSJ, July 20, 2022

“Mr. Boudin was ousted with 60% of the vote by San Franciscans fed up with feces and needles on their streets, a rising tide of hate crimes against Asian-Americans, and frequent brazen snatch-and-grab thefts everywhere from pharmacies to luxury stores.”

Give George Soros his due. He knows how to get political results.

Rather than waste time and money convincing state legislatures and governors to enact laws decriminalizing offenses, loosening bail requirements, and making it tougher to send bad guys to jail, Mr. Soros is skipping straight to the office that enforces the law—district attorney. Political-action committees he bankrolls are pouring money into the campaigns of left-wing candidates who, once elected as prosecutors, can implement soft-on-crime policies by administrative fiat.

District-attorney races are traditionally low-budget affairs, so influencing their outcome doesn’t cost much. Most big cities and populous counties are reliably Democratic, so these offices often are decided in primaries, which are smaller and less expensive than general elections. Showering left-wing candidates with hundreds of thousands of dollars is often enough to dramatically alter how justice is administered in a jurisdiction with millions of citizens.

Using this model, PACs largely funded by Mr. Soros have donated more than $22 million to bankroll the election of at least 23 district attorneys, according to data collected by the Capital Research Center and the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. These prosecutors serve cities or counties that have a combined population of 38.4 million Americans. His money has helped put prosecutors in office from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, St. Louis to the Virginia suburbs of Washington, Manhattan to Chicago. Four of the five most populous counties in Texas have prosecutors these Soros-funded PACs backed. (Source)

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