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Future of the IDF: Nagel Commission Issues Report on Transforming Military

עברית: תמונת פורטרט- Wikipedia
עברית: תמונת פורטרט- Wikipedia

Yonah Jeremy Bob

Jerusalem Post, Jan. 7, 2025

“Interestingly, Nagel did not think that the IDF’s size was inadequate on October 7, 2023, but does think it is inadequately small now in light of the seven fronts it faces challenges on.”

The government commission headed by former national security council chief Jacob Nagel issued its report for reframing the future of the IDF on Monday.

While the report does contain a number of ideas for change, it did not involve any probing of the October 7 failure, and as such, some critics will view its conclusions as missing a large piece of the puzzle for improving.

A major recommendation of the commission is to shift the Israeli defense establishment and its budget from a deterrence and defense posture to a much more proactive and preventative attack posture regarding threats.

Nagel said that this shift would involve shifting resources to a 70% attack versus 30% defense balance.

In order to accomplish this and to provide for the IDF’s immediate ongoing larger needs, Nagel recommended adding nine billion shekels to the 2025 budget and keeping at some level of increased levels until around 2030. ….SOURCE

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