Thursday, September 26, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
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Editor’s Notes:  Freud Would Have a Field Day with Nasrallah

Zvika Klein
Jerusalem Post, Sept. 19, 2024
“According to Lebanese media, Hezbollah has been busy fortifying its command posts, installing advanced defense systems, and running evacuation drills for its top brass.”
Imagine you’re sitting in a dimly lit room, eyes glued to the screen, as Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah, appears on a grainy feed from his secret bunker. His tone is defiant, his gestures are grand, and his words drip with venomous certainty. As he speaks, Nasrallah’s voice rises and falls in a symphony of self-assured proclamations: “We are unafraid,” “We will never negotiate,” “Our forces are invincible.”

On the surface, it sounds like just another one of his classic monologues – a routine performance of bravado meant to rally his followers and rattle his enemies. But what if I told you that this tough-talking Nasrallah might actually be revealing the exact opposite of what he truly feels?

Welcome to the world of reaction formation, a psychological defense mechanism that could explain why Nasrallah seems to say one thing while unconsciously feeling the other. Think of it like the opposite way, but for your inner psyche: the more you declare you hate something, the more you might secretly love it – and the louder you shout about strength, the more vulnerable you actually feel. … [To read the full article, click here] 

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