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Durham Report Is Utterly Damning, So Where Are All the Indictments?

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Editorial Board
I & I, May 18, 2023

“The only plausible answer for this “noticeable departure” is that it was indeed just that — a conscious move on the part of the FBI to intervene in a presidential election on behalf of a political ally.”
The long-delayed, much-awaited Durham report has finally dropped. And what it shows is nothing short of shocking: A conspiracy at the highest levels of our government to fix an election in favor of one candidate over another. This is not something that deserves merely a hand slap or the usual Inside-The-Beltway tut-tutting. It’s a criminal act for which people should go to prison.
Just for the record, this is far worse than Watergate. And that ended Richard Nixon’s presidency, even though he neither planned nor approved of the break-ins against the Democratic Party offices in the famed Watergate Hotel. What will the perpetrators of this crime get?
The FBI launched its now-infamous “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of alleged Russian “influence” on the Trump campaign in July 2016. The premise for the investigation was a “dossier” of information from former British spy Christopher Steele that implicated Donald Trump and several of his supporters as being improperly influenced by Russia’s government.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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