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Do Trudeau Liberals Even Know What Racism Is Anymore?

Liberal Party of Canada (wikipedia)
Liberal Party of Canada (wikipedia)

Jamil Jivani

Toronto Sun, Aug. 18, 2022

“… it’s clear that our federal government is relying on flawed so-called experts to determine what constitutes hate speech and racism. In fact, some of the federal government’s so-called experts may very well be hateful and racist themselves.”

Canada’s federal government is investigating an anti-racism consultant they’ve paid over a hundred thousand dollars. Why? It turns out Trudeau’s expert on anti-racism has said some things that are considered… racist.

 It sounds ridiculous. But it’s true.

Federal minister for diversity and inclusion (yes, Canada has a minister with such a title) Ahmed Hussen says he asked the Department of Canadian Heritage to “look closely at the situation” after it was revealed a senior consultant with the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) has made comments that Canada’s special envoy on antisemitism, Irwin Cotler, has described as “beyond the pale.”

Journalist Jonathan Kay has shared screenshots of tweets from an account with CMAC consultant Laith Marouf’s photo and name. One tweet reads, “You know all those loud mouthed bags of human feces, aka the Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate Palestine and they have to go back to where they come from, they will return to being low voiced bitches of thier (sic) Christian/Secular White Supremacist Masters.”

second screenshot appears to show Marouf commenting on Canada, Justin Trudeau, and Cotler: “The Jewish White Supremacist Summit hosted by Apartheid Canada PM @JustinTrudeau, was the brain-child of @IrwinCotler the Grand Wizard of Zionism in this Colony.”

According to a report from The Canadian Press, Marouf stated through his lawyer that he “does not harbour any animus toward the Jewish faith as a collective group.” But it’s hard to imagine any rationalization from Marouf or his lawyer explaining away what looks to be a pattern of harsh, disturbing language. Additional screenshots continue to circulate online.

It’s unknown how long Canadian Heritage’s investigation might take, or if the Trudeau Liberals are reconsidering their relationship with CMAC, which is currently scheduled to continue events across the country focused on “building an anti-racism strategy for Canadian broadcasting.” Their next event is on September 17 in Calgary. Source

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