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Debate Rages Over Leaked US Belief That Mossad Aided Protesters

2011 Israeli social justice protests - Wikipedia

Yonah Jeremy Bob
Jerusalem Post, Apr. 9, 2023

“If The New York Times report and the American intelligence cables are disinformation, they could have been concocted by Russian intelligence and trumpeted by elements in Israel who wish to discredit the protest movement.”
A debate raged throughout the day on Sunday about the veracity of what appeared to be a leaked classified US intelligence analysis saying the Mossad sought to promote protests against the government’s proposed judicial overhaul.

On the one hand, a New York Times report, based on what seemed to be authentic Pentagon intelligence, alleged that senior Mossad officials encouraged the nationwide protests.

On the other hand, The Jerusalem Post has indications that the American intelligence, even assuming it is an authentic classified document, might have misunderstood a number of complicated trends within Israel’s intelligence community.
The Post has previously reported that under director David Barnea, the Mossad, like the IDF, has allowed current employees up to a certain rank to participate in protests, provided it is during off-work hours and that they take pains not to be identified.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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