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Could Biden’s Pick for Envoy to Saudi Arabia Facilitate Normalization with Israel?

Michael Ratney - Wikipedia
Wikipedia Michael Ratney - Wikipedia

Ruth Marks Eglash

Jewish Insider, May 13, 2022

“Any deal to bring Saudi Arabia into the Abraham Accords, or to bring them and Israel closer to normalization, is going to be a multi-sided puzzle. Michael is who you want at the table trying to solve that puzzle.”

Could President Joe Biden’s nominee to be America’s next ambassador to Saudi Arabia – a career diplomat who most recently served overseas as the chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem – be the key to bringing the kingdom into the Abraham Accords, or, barring that, help take the country one step closer to normalization with Israel?

While Jerusalem and Riyadh are known to have long-standing, under-the-radar ties, at least on a security level, the nomination of Michael Ratney, a fluent Arabic speaker who is well-Versed in Israel affairs, could certainly help to firm up that covert relationship and even encourage formal ties, some experts and analysts interviewed this week told Jewish Insider.

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