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Columbia Law Review Declares Strike After Breaking Rules to Publish Anti-Zionist Article

On Strike - Canva Image
On Strike - Canva Image

Dion J. Pierre
Algemeiner, June 10, 2024
“The controversy at Columbia Law School continues a struggle by students, opposed by some authority figures on campus, to promote the anti-Zionist movement, despite its connections to terrorist organizations, white supremacist groups, and extremist far-left activists who have openly called for the destruction of Israel and the United States.”
Editors at the Columbia Law Review, one of the most distinguished student-led legal journals in the country, have declared a strike aimed at gaining “total editorial independence” following its subversion of long-standing rules to enable the publication of a virulently anti-Israel article.

According to The Columbia Spectator, the controversy began last week when the journal’s board of directors closed access to its website after determining that an article, titled “Toward Nakba As a Legal Concept” — the thesis of which argues that Israel’s existence is a crime — received “secretive” editing from staff, as several members were blocked from viewing it. Later, the board — which includes highly esteemed legal professionals such as judges, lawyers, and Columbia Law School’s dean — resolved to add a disclaimer to the piece noting the circumstances under which it was published.

“The Review‘s editorial processes are intended to allow all members to engage with the scholarship that the Review publishes and with one another,” the board of directors said in a statement. “That engagement is central to the Review’s twin aims of publishing the highest quality legal analysis and educating the next generation of lawyers. Upon learning of this exclusion, the board of directors sought to delay publication by several days to permit the excluded members to read the piece and engage with their colleagues before the piece was published.” … [To read the full article, click here

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