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Claudine Gay Should Go

Peter Wood and David Randall
National Association of Scholars, Dec. 11, 2023

“… since the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, President Gay has exhibited a moral obtuseness that marries intolerance for all dissent from the diversity, equity, and inclusion regime, to insensitivity to Jews faced with anti-Jewish harassment.”

The National Association of Scholars (NAS) calls on the Harvard Corporation to remove Claudine Gay from Harvard College’s presidency.

President Gay is at the center of the controversy that followed her December 5 testimony to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, in which she found herself unable to give a clear answer to questions about what Harvard could or would do in response to calls for genocide against Jews. Her answers on that occasion were far from satisfactory, but they are not the only reason why she should be removed from the presidency.

Her performance on December 5 should be—to borrow a word she used repeatedly on that occasion—put into context. The context in this case consists of:

  • Her shoddy professional work, which would by normal standards disqualify her for any academic appointment at Harvard.
  • Her record of plagiarism.
  • Her promotion of racist policies.
  • Her vindictive and arbitrary administrative punishment of Harvard college members.

Some of this was known or knowable at the time of her appointment as president, but a great deal more is known today.

… [To read the full article, click here]

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